Re: trying to grow long hair

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Posted by Ted (other posts) on September 20, 2016 at 18:09:52 Previous Next

In Reply to: trying to grow long hair [PIC] posted by Kevin on September 18, 2016 at 14:24:33:

: I've been growing my hair since February 1, 2016 and it's September 17, 2016 today I've been growing my hair for 7 months now it reaches the bottom of my nose I started from a buzz cut is that good hair growth or should it be longer by now? 8 used to get it trimmed a little but I stopped and just let it all grow I have really curly hair when it's wet but then when it drys up its gets all frizzy and less curly

Hi Kevin,
Hair grows an average of 6 inches per year. Of course, since you have curly hair you would have to stretch out the curls to figure the length out. Your hair appears from the picture to be making nice progress. To take care of the frizz maybe you need to use some sort of leave-in conditioner. Please check out the website at the link. Please keep growing your wonderful dark curly hair and take care!


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