Posted by doninisrael (other posts) on May 31, 2017 at 02:58:39 Previous Next
In Reply to: Interesting article I came across posted by Jake on May 30, 2017 at 04:52:01:
Some of the pictures in the slide show made me smile. While I don't miss many of these styles, I DO miss the sense of freedom for a man to not just wear his hair long, but to style it in whatever way might please him. It seems that men's long hair today is something a bit different; if we might feel inclined to put some style into it, we find ourselves discouraged even by those who are generally supportive of our wearing it long.
I remember how free I felt when I reached the age where I could choose where to go to get my hair taken care of, and I would go to a 'unisex salon' instead of the traditional barber shop that my parents imposed upon me until somewhere about the age when I started driving. Today, I don't get hung up on what the shop calls itself. Here in Israel, most hair salons are de facto unisex; one doesn't see traditional men-only barbershops, and any hairdresser (the profession is dominated by men here) is likely to be as happy giving a young man a number one buzz, as giving a woman with longer hair something more elaborate. In Australia where I lived until last year, they do have traditional barber shops but also most salons advertise 'ladies and gents hairdressing.' I personally go to a woman hairdresser who works out of her home for my monthly color refresh and an occasional end trim. Not because I eschew going to a shop, but because she was recommended to me.
Anyway, thanks for sharing the article! Enjoyed the walk down memory lane!