Posted by Long Hair In Albany (other posts) on August 12, 2018 at 16:29:46 Previous Next
In Reply to: Also... posted by BruceJ on August 08, 2018 at 18:54:15:
: almost appears he wants to spill the beans and defect.
remember it is a Samsung ad, so it's bound to be biased.
: : I don't think it shows him as the villain at all. He's just portraying a guy who wants to keep his job and has to tow the corporate line.
: : Sometimes you just have to do what you have to pay the bills.
: : Bruce
: : : Never heard about this ad until this post.Thanks to LHIA for the link.I agree the guy has great hair with a wonderful ponytail but yes,this ad does show him in a bad light.Hard to say whether or not it was intentional using a longhair as the villain here.I would think in this day and age being different is more applauded than in the past but who knows what was in the mind of its creator.Cheers
: : : Mârk