Posted by Long hair in Albany (other posts) on May 04, 2020 at 21:35:27 Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Haircuts and COVID 19 posted by Hairball on May 04, 2020 at 16:27:29:
: Hi LHIA,
: Sorry to hear about your father in law being tested positive for Covid19.From what I've heard though the Governor of NY mandated Covid patients be admitted to nursing care facilities where the most vulnerable population lives placing those individuals in grave danger.Not sure if that also included rehab facilities but that particular move by the Governor was not a good one.
: Mârk
what usually ends up happening is 8 year old Johnny goes outside and plays with friends, gets the COVID19 virus, brings it home to mom, gets mom infected then mom brings it to the several nursing homes she works at. At the facility that my Father in law is at there are a number of employees infected.
Below is a link about the state mandate which was probably a bad idea but it should be noted that they wanted to clear as many hospital beds aa possible since they were expecting to be inundated with new patients so much so that they opened up emergency hospitals in Central Park, in convention centers, college dorms, etc. It also should be noted that many hospitals went so far as to set up tents and trailers outside of the hospital to hold COVID patients.
Now it should be noted this isn't over by a long shot. Now that a number of states are re-opening expect a second wave of the virus. And next winter expect a third wave that is coupled with the seasonal flu.