Posted by gman (other posts) on February 03, 2021 at 17:11:03 Previous Next
In Reply to: Re:'s been a long time! posted by DavidN on February 03, 2021 at 13:00:45:
Good to hear from you! I think you and I joined this board around the same time if I recall correctly. I've enjoyed our time here together all those years ago. I remember when you grew out your beard and definitely feel it suits you very well. Glad to see you are still a longhair, too! I hope your retirement has been going great for you. Must be nice! :) Lots have happened in my life the past decade+ it's hard to condense into a few words. I worked in IT forever and was married with two kids. I got out of IT and started working in production the past 4-5 years. It's been awesome being on my feet and doing something physical for a change. Back in 2017 my marriage unfortunately dissolved and my ex moved out two years later and took our kids (both teenagers now). My son is about to graduate high school and be an adult. Time flies for sure. I've been living the single life and focusing on being a good dad and enjoying my hobbies. I was able to keep my home, so that's good. All-in-all, I'm doing well and continuing to move forward. This past year with Covid and all that has been challenging. But, I'm thinking good thoughts that we'll all get out of this sooner than later.
Well, I'm happy to be participating on this board again. And I look forward to continued interaction with you and the others. Take care, my friend, and I'll see you around :)
: Hi gman
: It’s great to hear from you, and thank you for stopping on by and for giving us your update after all these years. You certainly had a great head of hair in 2010, and I look forward to your journey to long hair again.
: Thank you for remembering me as well, and of course I remember you. I admit that my participation in the MLHH has been very low lately, mostly in “lurking mode”, and only posting once in a blue moon or so.
: I have been happily retired for over 12 years now, and enjoying my fairly quiet life here in Nova Scotia, Canada. As for my own hair, it’s been at terminal length for quite some time now, probably just over mid back length. Despite the terminal length being shorter than I would like, at least I feel fortunate that I have a full head of hair and a good hairline, for someone who will be 68 this August. Time really does fly.
: Once again, thank you for your update, and I look forward to your future progress.
: Kind regards,
: David