Early spring update... [PIC]

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Posted by yoshiki (other posts) on April 04, 2021 at 16:35:24 Previous Next

Hey all,

Here's hoping that everyone is well and that this spring will bring in a year anew... or at least a better one from last ;) .

I think the last photo I posted was in early December, after a good trim... this one here (attached) was taken days ago.
Truthfully, I wasn't paying much attention to my hair during this period and had thought it had stopped growing, but -- aah, really surprised myself after my wife snapped a photo xD . I wish I had measured my length during all this time (never have kept track)... man does it looks like it went through a bit of a growth spirt though ;p . In the photo, my hair does look a bit greasy - and it is... accidentally used too much leave in conditioner the night before... but oh well, it comes out pretty after a good wash ;p .

Anywho, best wishes to all my old (& new) friends here and here's to a better future for all soon, hopefully ^_^ !!!

Cheers ^^ !

yoshiki :)

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